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524 resources found
Epigenetics: ambiguities and implications
Everyone has heard of ‘epigenetics’, but the term means different things to different researchers...
Euler’s Königsberg: the explanatory power of mathematics
The present paper provides an analysis of Euler’s solutions to the Königsberg bridges problem. Euler proposes three different solutions to the...
Evaluating the GeoSnap 13‐μ$$ \mu $$m cutoff HgCdTe detector for mid‐IR ground‐based astronomy
New mid-infrared HgCdTe (MCT) detector arrays developed in collaboration with Teledyne Imaging Sensors (TIS) have paved the way for improved 1...
Evidence for RNA or protein transport from somatic tissues to the male reproductive tract in mouse
The development of tools to manipulate the mouse genome, including knockout and transgenic technology, has revolutionized our ability to explo...
Evolution and emergence: higher order information structure in protein interactomes across the tree of life
The internal workings of biological systems are notoriously difficult to understand. Due to the prevalence of noise and degeneracy in evolved ...
Examining relations between performance on non‐verbal executive function and verbal self‐regulation tasks in demographically‐diverse populations
Self-regulation is a widely studied construct, generally assumed to be cognitively supported by executive functions (EFs). There is a lack of ...
Examining Spillovers between Long and Short Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games Played in the Laboratory
We had participants play two sets of repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma (RPD) games, one with a large continuation probability and the other with a s...
Expectation and attention increase the integration of top-down and bottom-up signals in perception through different pathways
Perception likely results from the interplay between sensory information and top-down signals. In this electroencephalography (EEG) study, we ...
Experience shapes future foraging decisions in a brainless organism
The ability to change one’s behaviour based on past experience has obvious fitness benefits. Drawing from past experience requires some kind o...
Experimental entanglement of temporal order
The study of causal relations has recently been applied to the quantum realm, leading to the discovery that not all physical processes have a ...
Experimental evidence for yawn contagion in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)
Abstract Yawning is highly contagious, yet both its proximate mechanism(s) and its ultimate causation remain poorly understood. Scholars have ...
Experimental few-copy multipartite entanglement detection
Quantum technologies lead to a variety of applications that outperform their classical counterparts. In order to build a quantum device it mus...
Experimental quantum communication enhancement by superposing trajectories
In quantum communication networks, wires represent well-defined trajectories along which quantum systems are transmitted. In spite of this, tr...
Experimental verification of an indefinite causal order
Investigating the role of causal order in quantum mechanics has recently revealed that the causal relations of events may not be a priori well...
Explaining the rise of moralizing religions: a test of competing hypotheses using the Seshat Databank
The causes, consequences, and timing of the rise of moralizing religions in world history have been the focus of intense debate. Progress has ...
Explaining variance in perceived research misbehavior: results from a survey among academic researchers in Amsterdam
Abstract Background Concerns about research misbehavior in academic science have sparked interest in the factors that may explain research mis...
Explicit and Implicit Sense of Agency in Depersonalization Experiences

The sense of agency, the feeling of controlling one’s bodily actions and the world is altered in Depersonalization (DP), a condition that makes people feel detached from one’s self and body. To investigate the link between depersonalization and both implicit and explicit sense of agency, an online study was conducted using the influential Intentional Binding paradigm in a sample of non-clinical DP participants. The results did not reveal significant differences between individuals with low and high occurrences of DP experiences on the implicit and explicit sense of agency. However, participants with high occurrences of DP experiences showed a more time-sensitive explicit sense of agency and greater temporal distortions for short intervals in the absence of self-initiated motion. These results suggest that there is a discrepancy between implicit and explicit sense of agency in people with high levels of depersonalization. Altogether, these findings call for further investigations of the key role of time perception on altered sense of self and agency in both non-clinical and clinical populations, to disentangle the mechanisms associated with the explicit and implicit sense of agency.

Explorations of Forgiveness in Ghanaian Marriages
This study examined marital forgiveness among 40 married individuals from southern Ghana...
Exploring predictive states via Cantor embeddings and Wasserstein distance
Predictive states for stochastic processes are a nonparametric and interpretable construct with relevance across a multitude of modeling parad...
Extended parenting and the evolution of cognition
Traditional attempts to understand the evolution of human cognition compare humans with other primates. This research showed that relative bra...