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524 resources found
EchoVPR: Echo State Networks for Visual Place Recognition
Recognising previously visited locations is an important, but unsolved, task in autonomous navigation. Current visual place recognition (VPR) ...
EDEn–Electroceutical Design Environment: Ion Channel Tissue Expression Database with Small Molecule Modulators
The emerging field of bioelectricity has revealed numerous new roles for ion channels beyond the nervous system, which can be exploited for ap...
Editorial to “Decision theory and the future of AI”
In the long run, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to be one of the biggest technological revolutions in human history...
Editorial: Humans in an Animal's World—How Non-human Animals Perceive and Interact With Humans
EDITORIAL article Front. Psychol., 01 September 2021 |
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Affect Dynamics: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Whereas much research has demonstrated the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on emotional well-being, less work has examined the effects of mindfulness training on affect dynamics...
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Psychological Symptoms and Telomere Length: A Randomized Active-Controlled Trial
Much research has demonstrated the beneficial effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on psychological and physical health, but i...
Effects of proximity to humans on neophilia, foraging ecology and population structure of kea
Neophilic tendencies in scavenging species living near humans may have adverse consequences for these animals. New Zealand’s kea (Nestor notab...
Efficiency fosters cumulative culture across species
Recent studies in several taxa have demonstrated that animal culture can evolve to become more efficient in various contexts ranging from tool...
Electronic Energy Migration in Microtubules
The repeating arrangement of tubulin dimers confers great mechanical strength to microtubules, which are used as scaffolds for intracellular m...
Embedding epistemic insight (EI) in teacher training programmes in English universities: barriers and how to overcome them
Entrenched compartmentalisation of curriculum subjects and ‘teaching to the test’ can leave students with limited understanding of the nature ...
Emergence of informative higher scales in biological systems: a computational toolkit for optimal prediction and control
ABSTRACT The biological sciences span many spatial and temporal scales in attempts to understand the function and evolution of complex systems...
Emergence of Integrated Information at Macro Timescales in Real Neural Recordings
How a system generates conscious experience remains an elusive question. One approach towards answering this is to consider the information av...
Emotion processing across and within species: A comparison between humans (Homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
For social species, recognizing and adequately yet quickly responding to the emotions of others is crucial for their survival. The current stu...
Emotion recognition in nonhuman primates: How experimental research can contribute to a better understanding of underlying mechanisms
Recognising conspecifics’ emotional expressions is important for nonhuman primates to navigate their physical and social environment. We addre...
Endless forms most beautiful 2.0: teleonomy and the bioengineering of chimaeric and synthetic organisms
Abstract The rich variety of biological forms and behaviours results from one evolutionary history on Earth, via frozen accidents and selectio...
Endogenous Bioelectrics in Development, Cancer, and Regeneration: Drugs and Bioelectronic Devices as Electroceuticals for Regenerative Medicine
A major frontier in the post-genomic era is the investigation of the control of coordinated growth and three-dimensional form. Dynamic remodel...
Energetics of a Single Qubit Gate
Qubits are physical, a quantum gate thus not only acts on the information carried by the qubit but also on its energy. What is then the corres...
Engineered wisdom for learning machines
We argue that the concept of practical wisdom is particularly useful for organising, understanding, and improving human-machine interactions. ...
Epidemiology of compassion: A literature review
Psychology and neuroscience have contributed significantly to advances in understanding compassion. In contrast, little attention has been giv...
Epigenetically facilitated mutational assimilation: epigenetics as a hub within the inclusive evolutionary synthesis
ABSTRACT After decades of debate about the existence of non‐genetic inheritance, the focus is now slowly shifting towards dissecting its under...