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Project: The Epistemic Insight Initiative
Can a robot be a scientist? Developing students’ epistemic insight through a lesson exploring the role of human creativity in astronomy
Abstract Artificial intelligence is transforming the practice of science worldwide. Breakthroughs in machine learning are enabling, for exampl...
Project: Understanding Everyday Love: Do Increases in Positivity Resonance Increase Virtuous Behavior?
Can an Algorithm Tell How Spiritual You Are? Using Generative Pretrained Transformers for Sophisticated Forms of Text Analysis
Text analysis is a form of psychological assessment that involves converting qualitative information (text) into quantitative data. We tested whether automated text analysis using Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) can match the “gold standard” of manual text analysis, even when assessing a highly nuanced construct like spirituality... |
Can honest signaling theory clarify religion’s role in the evolution of social inequality?
Vivid coloration, pungent odors, strident alarms, and crippling stings have co-evolved in many lineages as mechanisms that conspicuous...
Can moral case deliberation in research groups help to navigate research integrity dilemmas? A pilot study
There is an increased focus on fostering integrity in research by through creating an open culture where research integrity dilemmas can be di...
Capuchin monkey rituals: an interdisciplinary study of form and function
Many white-faced capuchin monkey dyads in Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rica, practise idiosyncratic interaction sequences that are not part of the sp...
Causal Composition: Structural Differences among Dynamically Equivalent Systems
The dynamical evolution of a system of interacting elements can be predicted in terms of its elementary constituents and their interactions, o...
Causal reductionism and causal structures
Causal reductionism is the widespread assumption that there is no room for additional causes once we have accounted for all elementary mechanisms within a system...
Causal specificity and the instructive–permissive distinction
I use some recent formal work on measuring causation to explore a suggestion by James Woodward...
Causation and Time Reversal
What would it be for a process to happen backwards in time? Would such a process involve different causal relations? It is common to understan...
Cell Systems Bioelectricity: How Different Intercellular Gap Junctions Could Regionalize a Multicellular Aggregate
Electric potential distributions can act as instructive pre-patterns for development, regeneration, and tumorigenesis in cell systems. The bio...
Certification and Quantification of Multilevel Quantum Coherence
Quantum coherence, present whenever a quantum system exists in a superposition of multiple classically distinct states, marks one of the funda...
Changes in Character Virtues are Driven by Classroom Relationships: A Longitudinal Study of Elementary School Children
Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the role of school relationships in shaping students’ character development in middle chil...
Charity explains differences in life satisfaction between religious and secular New Zealanders
This study investigated whether differences in subjective well-being between religious and non-religious people could be partially accounted f...
ChimpanSEE, ChimpanDO: Grooming and play contagion in chimpanzees
Behavioral contagion—the onset of a species-typical behaviour soon after witnessing it in a conspecific—forms the foundation of behavioral synchrony and cohesive group living in social animals. Although past research has mostly focused on negative emotions or neutral contexts, the sharing of positive emotions in particular may be key for social affiliation. This project investigated the contagion of two socially affiliative interactive behaviours, grooming and play, in chimpanzees. |
Chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) navigate to find hidden fruit in a virtual environment
Almost all animals navigate their environment to find food, shelter, and mates. Spatial cognition of nonhuman primates in large-scale environm...
Closed-System Solution of the 1D Atom from Collision Model
Obtaining the total wavefunction evolution of interacting quantum systems provides access to important properties, such as entanglement, shedd...
Co-evolution of cooperation and cognition: the impact of imperfect deliberation and context-sensitive intuition
How does cognitive sophistication impact cooperation? We explore this question using a model of the co-evolution of cooperation and cognition....
Co-utile P2P ridesharing via decentralization and reputation management
Ridesharing has the potential to bring a wealth of benefits both to the actors directly involved in the shared trip (e.g., shared travel costs...
Co-Utility: Self-Enforcing protocols for the mutual benefit of participants
Protocols govern the interactions between agents, both in the information society and in the society at large. Protocols based on mutually ben...