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524 resources found
Abstract From the middle of the twentieth‐century onwards, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of relationality in what it mea...
The Religiosity of Academic Scientists in the United Kingdom: Assessing the Role of Discipline and Department Status
Abstract Studies examining the religiosity of academic scientists have often focused on comparisons with the general population, overlooking d...
The reversibility objection against the Second Law of thermodynamics viewed, and avoided, from a logical point of view
Abstract In this paper we offer a formal-logical analysis of the famous reversibility objection against the Second Law of thermodynamics. We r...
The role of cognition in nesting
For many animals, nests are essential for reproductive success. Nesting individuals need to carry out a range of potentially challenging tasks...
The role of conditional independence in the evolution of intelligent systems
Systems are typically made from simple components regardless of their complexity. While the function of each part is easily understood, higher...
The Role of Early Bioelectric Signals in the Regeneration of Planarian Anterior/Posterior Polarity
Axial patterning during planarian regeneration relies on a transcriptional circuit that confers distinct positional information on the two end...
The role of photobehaviour in sponge larval dispersal and settlement
Deciphering the behavioural ecology of adult (sessile) sponges is challenging. However, their motile larval stages afford opportunities to inv...
The scaling of goals from cellular to anatomical homeostasis: an evolutionary simulation, experiment and analysis
Complex living agents consist of cells, which are themselves competent sub-agents navigating physiological and metabolic spaces. Behaviour sci...
The sigh of the oppressed: The palliative effects of ideology are stronger for people living in highly unequal neighbourhoods
Ideologies that legitimize status hierarchies are associated with increased well-being. However, which ideologies have 'palliative effects', w...
The silent hexagon: explaining comb structures
The paper presents, and discusses, four candidate explanations of the structure, and construction, of the bees’ honeycomb. So far, philosopher...
The social construction of character
Abstract There has been increased interest in character strengths or virtues in recent years in social research and in various policy domains....
The surprising pairing of 2-aminoimidazo[1,2-a][1,3,5]triazin-4-one, a component of an expanded DNA alphabet
Synthetic biologists demonstrate their command over natural biology by reproducing the behaviors of natural living systems on synthetic biomol...
The thermodynamic efficiency of computations made in cells across the range of life
Biological organisms must perform computation as they grow, reproduce, and evolve. Moreover, ever since Landauer's bound was proposed it has b...
There’s Plenty of Room Right Here: Biological Systems as Evolved, Overloaded, Multi-Scale Machines
The applicability of computational models to the biological world is an active topic of debate. We argue that a useful path forward results fr...
Thermodynamic costs of Turing machines
Turing Machines (TMs) are the canonical model of computation in computer science and physics. We combine techniques from algorithmic informati...
Thermodynamic machine learning through maximum work production
Abstract Adaptive systems—such as a biological organism gaining survival advantage, an autonomous robot executing a functional task, or a moto...
Thermodynamic uncertainty theorem
Thermodynamic uncertainty relations (TURs) express a fundamental lower bound on the precision (inverse scaled variance) of any thermodynamic c...
Time investments in rituals are associated with social bonding, affect and subjective health: a longitudinal study of Diwali in two Indian communities
Rituals are performed within specific socio-ecological niches, yet the different effects of the same ritual form across different niches (comm...
To be in synchrony or not? A meta-analysis of synchrony's effects on behavior, perception, cognition and affect
We meta-analytically investigated the strength of synchrony on four dimensions of response: (1) prosocial behavior, (2) perceived social bondi...