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538 resources found
A study of moral reasoning among secondary students in a public co-educational and private girls school in Mexico
Proponents of character education claim cultivating virtues during schooling helps students, schools and society flourish but critics argue ch...
A Technical Critique of Some Parts of the Free Energy Principle
We summarize the original formulation of the free energy principle and highlight some technical issues. We discuss how these issues affect rel...
A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering
Advances in biological engineering are likely to have substantial impacts on global society. To explore these potential impacts we ran a horiz...
Abstract John Evans’s new book Morals Not Knowledge pushes scholars to rethink contemporary debates about religion and science by moving past ...
Academia’s Big Five: a normative taxonomy for the epistemic responsibilities of universities
This paper proposes a normative taxonomy by which universities can express the extent to which they meet five core epistemic responsibi...
Achieving universal energy access and rural development through smart villages
With just 12 years to go to 2030, progress in providing universal energy access and improving rural development outcomes in many rural areas h...
Active inference, morphogenesis, and computational psychiatry
Active inference is a leading theory in neuroscience that provides a simple and neuro-biologically plausible account of how action and percept...
Adolescent Connectedness: A Scoping Review of Available Measures and Their Psychometric Properties
Adolescent connectedness, a key component of positive youth development, is associated with various positive health outcomes. Several measures...
Adolescents’ application of the virtues across five cultural contexts.
Little is known about adolescent applications of the virtues such as honesty, responsibility and courage across different cultural contexts. U...
Aligning Consciousness Science and U.S. Funding Agency Priorities

The Fund Consciousness Science! Project, a workshop and subawards program aimed to align United States federal funding mechanisms and consciousness research, was recently completed. The project’s motivation, execution, and outcomes to motivate similar efforts both locally and globally are described here.

Alloparenting and religious fertility: A test of the religious alloparenting hypothesis
Life history theory anticipates that organisms trade offspring quantity for offspring quality. In modern human societies this tradeoff is part...
Alternative experimental ways to access entropy production
We theoretically derive and experimentally compare several different ways to access entropy production in a quantum process under feedback con...
Alternative Spirituality among Global Scientists
Scholars, especially those in the West, often attribute the construction of alternative spirituality to a culture of individualism. Here, we e...
Altruistic food sharing behavior by human infants after a hunger manipulation
Abstract Altruistic behavior entails giving valuable benefits to others while incurring a personal cost. A distinctively human form of altruis...
An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory
The relationship between conscious experience and brain activity has intrigued scientists and philosophers for centuries. In the last decades,...
An agent-based model clarifies the importance of functional and developmental integration in shaping brain evolution
Vertebrate brain structure is characterised not only by relative consistency in scaling between components, but also by many examples of diver...
An analysis and evaluation of methods currently used to quantify the likelihood of existential hazards
This paper examines and evaluates the range of methods that have been used to make quantified claims about the likelihood of Existential Hazar...
An epistemic argument for tolerance
In this paper I first take a critical look at Grube’s allegiance to the idea that bivalence should be rejected as it can serve the cause of re...
An in vivo brain–bacteria interface: the developing brain as a key regulator of innate immunity
Abstract Infections have numerous effects on the brain. However, possible roles of the brain in protecting against infection, and the developm...
An investigation into secondary teachers’ views of argumentation in science and religious education
Citizens often face dilemmas where they need to make decisions that impact our lives and are related to science and religion. For example, gen...