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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

18 projects found
( Priority: Big Questions in Classrooms )
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
Argumentation in Science and Religious Education: An Interdisciplinary Study in British Schools
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford
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2018 $469,354
Broadening Secondary School Science (BRaSSS)
University College London
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2018 $387,418
Key Moments in History – a Fossil Hunter’s Story: Teaching Resources and Professional Development to Support Knowledge and Understanding of Big Ideas of Science Education
The Association for Science Education
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2018 $336,156
The Epistemic Insight Initiative​
Canterbury Christ Church University
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2019 $1,542,155
What Distinctive Contribution Does Religious Education Make to the Development of Epistemic Literacy in Relation to Big Questions in Religion and Science?​
University College London
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2019 $133,845
​Accelerating Insight: An Oxford–Templeton Project for Schools
Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford
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2017 $403,969
​Challenging Knowledge in RE: Big Questions, Different Perspectives​
Christian Education Movement
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2019 $444,831
​Dialogue in Science and Religious Education: Evolution Instruction in a Diverse Democratic Society using Pedagogy of Difference​
University of Haifa
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2019 $234,000
​Science Beyond the Boundaries​
The University of York
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2020 $443,852
​The Beginning Teacher in the Science/Religion Encounter: Building Confidence for an Integrated Vision of Knowledge
Canterbury Christ Church University
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2019 $444,289