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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
​Empathic Personality and Gender in Our Closest Primate Relatives
Emory University
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2018 $232,170
​Evolutionary Insights in Social Intelligence: How Can We Learn from the Bonobo?​
Leiden University
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2018 $205,000
​Examining the Foundations of Cultural Intelligence through Behavioral Flexibility
The University of Texas at Austin
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2018 $234,000
​Faith and Science Collaborative Research Forum​
The University of Hong Kong
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2019 $711,074
​Human Intelligence in Development: Ontogeny of Reasoning
University of Manchester
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2018 $204,995
​Learning in Evolution, Evolution in Learning
Parmenides Stiftung
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2018 $203,950
​Measuring and Developing the Character Strengths of Wisdom in Low-Security Contexts: Testing New Approaches in Sri Lanka and the Philippines​
University of Colombo
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2019 $231,679
​Play, Humor, and Joy in Great Apes​
The Regents of the University of California
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2018 $233,668
​Primates in Virtual Space: Using Virtual Reality to Compare the Spatial Intelligence of Humans, Apes and Monkeys​
The Regents of the University of Michigan
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2018 $234,000
​Safeguarding Crop Diversity for Food Security: Pre-breeding Complemented with Innovative Finance​
The Global Crop Diversity Trust
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2019 $1,850,000