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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
Communication and Media Support to GICD Grantees
Raey Media, LLC
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2020 $230,000
How Working from Home Can Transform Entrepreneurship
The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University
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2021 $233,996
Building character strength: Using a Phenomenological approach to explore how children 4-8 years are taught gratitude in home and school settings among indigenous Kenyan Turkana and Ethiopian Amhara
Kisii University
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2024 $99,967
ASSC Support to Early Career Researchers in Consciousness Research
Araya, Inc.
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2023 $50,000
Expanding Grassroots Reach - Increasing Cohesiveness in Consciousness
Mediterranean Association for Cognitive Science
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2023 $50,000
Forgiveness: A Pathway to Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions – From Rwanda to the World
Tufts University
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2024 $260,000
Advancing character-based leadership development among university students in LMICs
University of Oxford Development Trust
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2024 $99,912
Building A Better Conversation Between Religion and Technology
Clal - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, Inc.
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2024 $99,993
The Composition of Creative Intelligence
Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona
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2024 $260,000
Leadership on Existential Threats
The Elders Foundation
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2024 $258,871