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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
​Intelligence and Consciousness in Flies
Monash University
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2016 $172,185
​Intelligence: Up, Down, and All Around​
King's College London
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2018 $231,831
​Interdependence Promotes the Strengths of Employees from Working-Class Contexts
Northwestern University
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2017 $198,289
​Linking Machine Intelligence to Consciousness
Araya, Inc.
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2018 $222,750
​Mathematics for the Inquiring Mind: Developing Curiosity In Mathematics
Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
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2017 $477,854
​Neurodiverse Intelligence? An Examination of Culturally Specific Social Intelligence among People on the Autism Spectrum
University of Edinburgh
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2017 $171,664
​Promoting Altruism in Children
University of Washington
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2016 $199,468
​Reflecting on Tests of Self-Awareness: Birds as a Model
Queen Mary University of London
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2018 $234,479
​Social and Moral Intelligence: How Do Animals Understand and Perceive the Rules of Social Life?
The Regents of the University of California
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2017 $200,000
​Teaching in Wild New Caledonian Crows​
Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
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2018 $205,215