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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
The Emergence of Life as a Transition in Causal and Informational Architecture
Arizona State University
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2013 $911,286
The Epistemic Responsibilities of the University
VU University Amsterdam
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2016 $1,430,741
The Evolution of “Read-Write” Information in Biology: Computational and Experimental Models of Non-Genomic Information Imprinted on Living Tissues
Tufts University
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2016 $368,513
The Human Dignity Project
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
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2017 $2,718,532
The Meaning and Value of Ubuntu in Human and Social Development in Africa
University of Pretoria
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2014 $1,113,340
The New Biology: Implications for Philosophy, Theology, and Education
International Society for Science and Religion
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2015 $992,323
The Oxford Character Project​
The Oxford Evangelical Pastorate
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2017 $433,231
The Path to Scale Prize for High-Potential Innovations in SME Development
Innovations for Poverty Action
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2018 $234,800
The Personal Consequences of Religion: A 20-year Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study
University of Auckland
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2013 $495,820
The Physics of Counterfactuals: Applications of the Constructor Theory of Information to Thermodynamics, the Physics of Time and Quantum Information
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford
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2017 $258,386