Stocksy comp 5620069 11

Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
Global Partnerships for Advancing Character Program Evaluation (PACE Global)​
Montclair State University
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2019 $233,703
God and the Big Bang
The Diocese of Manchester, Board of Education
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2014 $933,223
Honesty, Humility, and Humanity: How the Epigenome and Mindfulness Shape Moral Decision Making
National University of Singapore
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2014 $999,825
How can Congregations be Helpful in Times of Tragedy?
University of Exeter
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2017 $193,566
How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Human Moral Intelligence​​
Duke University
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2018 $205,147
Identifying and Developing Mathematical and Creative Genius
Expii, Inc.
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2016 $150,000
Information at the Quantum Physics/Statistical Mechanics Nexus
University of Oxford
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2014 $1,152,955
Information Theory, Ecosystems, and Schrodinger’s Paradox
Santa Fe Institute
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2014 $588,061
Integral Missiology and the Human Flourishing of Internally Displaced Persons in Colombia
Fundacíon Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia
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2016 $899,530
Integrated Information as Maximally Irreducible Causation
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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2013 $895,449