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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
ArtWell Collaborative, Inc
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2022 $30,000
Developing Tool to Assess Forgiveness Preparedness
The Shani Project PLLC
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2022 $29,000
Neuromatch 2022: Democratizing Access to Science
Neuromatch, Inc.
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2022 $100,000
Scaling Up Local Agriculture Grant in the Northern Bahamas
The Blue Atlas Project
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2022 $80,500
Philosophical Foundations of Group Rationality
University of Pittsburgh
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2022 $18,948
Does big culture require big brains? Collective intelligence in roaches and rats
Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc.
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2022 $233,968
A novel perspective on animal culture: How ant colonies accumulate complex solutions in a fluctuating environment
University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc
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2023 $228,128
Consciousness, just in time: Methodological and experimental foundations for studying the dynamics of experience
The Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia
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2022 $230,265
The challenges, successes, and prospects of post-Dorian recovery
Mercatus Center, Inc.
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2023 $243,110
Donation to Support Publication Academy’s Ongoing Humanitarian Efforts with Orphaned Ukrainian War Refugees in Antalya, Turkey
Publication Academy LLC
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2022 $40,000