Stocksy comp 5620069 11

Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
Rationality and Reason beyond the Individual
University of Rochester
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2022 $1,831,483
Neuroscience of Consciousness Winter School in CIFAR’s Brain Mind & Consciousness Program
The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
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2022 $1,091,815
Global Innovations for Character Development Character Platform, Phase 2
The University of Birmingham
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2022 $749,428
Tarbiyya: Applying Indigenous Character Training Strategies to Improve Resilience
Early Years Nigeria Initiative
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2022 $233,999
Fulfillment at the frontlines of healthcare delivery: Enhancing a sense of purpose among Frontline Health Workers delivering care to women and children in under-served communities in Sindh, Pakistan
IRD Pakistan (PVT.) Limited
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2022 $234,498
Self-Forgiveness, Mental Health, and Addictive and Suicidal Behaviors in the Caribbean: Addressing Big Questions and Opening New Vistas
Luther College
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2022 $233,393
Social Gamification & Interactive Media for Driving the Acquisition of Integrity by African Millennials
Stratevium Foundation
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2020 $230,940
Identify brain areas and cell types critical for conscious vision
The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
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2022 $230,000
Identifying the neural mechanisms of loss of consciousness during sleep using intracranial recordings in humans
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
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2023 $230,000
Is Consciousness Necessary for Action Initiation?
Chapman University
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2022 $259,899