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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
Testing Global Neuronal Workspace and Integrated Information Theories of Consciousness in Animal Models
University of Wisconsin - Madison
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2021 $3,499,941
Enabling Research Rigor and Transparency, Fostering Researcher Intellectual Humility
Center for Open Science, Inc.
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2022 $1,500,000
Global Flourishing Study: Piloting and Waves 1-5
Baylor University
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2021 $5,000,000
Training Character in Mexican Healthcare Providers as a Pathway to Mental Health and Well-being​
The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
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2021 $999,977
weRISE: Youth-led Mental Health Transformation through Cultivating Gratitude, Kindness, and Hope​
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2021 $1,003,610
​Implementing FAIR Workflows: A Proof of Concept Study in the Field of Consciousness​
DataCite - International Data Citation Initiative e.V
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2021 $1,261,137
A Grant-Making Program Using Registered Reports to Improve Rigor and Credibility of Consciousness Research
Center for Open Science, Inc.
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2021 $1,499,173
​The Zvandiri (As I Am) Character Strength and Its Constructs among Adolescents Living with HIV in Zimbabwe​
Centre for Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Research (CeSHHAR) Zimbabwe
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2021 $1,000,000
​Long-term Health Outcomes and Dissemination Strategies for Adolescent Character Strength Interventions​
Shamiri Institute Inc.
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2021 $995,474
Promoting Healthy Development in South African Children through Thanda’s Character Virtues Development Programs​
Tufts University
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2021 $999,552