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Explore the projects we’ve funded

We’ve awarded hundreds of grants to researchers and institutions worldwide.

534 projects found
Project & Institution Year Started Amount
Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) Strategic Growth Plan​
New Venture Fund
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2021 $230,000
The Elders Foundation​
The Elders Foundation
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2021 $232,202
Pilot studies for the Adversarial Testing of Predictive Processing and Integrated Information Theories of Consciousness​
Universiteit van Amsterdam
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2021 $230,000
​Altruism in Human Infants
University of Washington
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2021 $233,972
‘How Knowledge Works’ in British Science and Religious Education: Considering the Impact of Big Questions in Classrooms​
New Philanthropy Capital
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2021 $354,739
Mentoring for TWCF Grantees to Sustain Academic and Professional Development​
Duke University
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2021 $234,000
​Encountering the Divine: Developing a Framework of Religious Intelligence
Saint Mary’s College of California
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2021 $87,729
​Isolating the Impact of Intersecting Social, Economic, and Ecological Crises on Human Trafficking in The Bahamas
University of Nottingham
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2021 $233,711
A Systematic Exploration of the Multi-scale Brain Processes Underlying Conscious Perception
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
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2022 $702,420
Education for Human Flourishing
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
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2022 $1,385,271