* A Grant DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique, open, global, persistent and machine-actionable identifier for a grant.
The Atlas Network is a nonprofit organization that aims to secure for all individuals the rights to economic and personal freedom through its global network of strategic partners. Part of its purpose is to help foster an authentic, classical liberal academic tradition in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Bolstered by the success of the Freedom Champions Summit in Asia in September 2023 and the George Ayittey Society convening of leaders from the majority world to expand market participation in Africa, this grant will continue and expand the work TWCF previously funded at the regional forums hosted by the Atlas Network. This round of funding will help enable the Atlas Network to scale up the pilot versions of George Ayittey Society and Champions Summits.
TWCF’s partnership with the Atlas Network in 2024 was proven highly successful. By harnessing the convening expertise of Atlas, TWCF was able to leverage the network's regional reach to uncover researchers in the Global South.
In addition to convenings, the goal for 2025 - 2027 is to expand offerings through the network to provide access to data tools, mentoring opportunities, and data analysis support to emerging research in the Global South. World Data Lab will provide this support to a set of TWCF grantees at the Atlas events and in virtual workshops.