A Sequential-Explanatory Approach to Understanding the Forms and Functions of Lectio Divina in the Everyday Lives of Christians
TWCF Number
Project Duration
August 1 / 2024
- July 31 / 2026
Core Funding Area
Big Questions
North America
Amount Awarded

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Jesse Fox
Institution Stetson University, Inc.

Lectio divina (latin for divine reading) is an ancient Christian practice of contemplative prayer with four steps: reading sacred scripture (lectio), reflecting and savoring what is read allowing the spiritual meaning of the text to surface (meditatio), listening and responding prayerfully to God and the revelations have for one's life (oratio), and awareness and resting in God’s presence (contemplatio). The project team will undertake a sequential-explanatory project with lectio divina teachers from Contemplative Outreach involving: (1) cross-sectional surveys to explore variations and associated outcomes of lectio divina in experienced practitioners’ everyday lives; (2) an ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study that will elucidate antecedents, microprocesses, and proximal outcomes of the four steps and practice as a whole; (3) a dismantling RCT that will assess the distinct value of the single apophatic element of the practice (contemplatio); (4) and qualitative investigations that will further reveal dynamics and probable benefits of contemplation and the three kataphatic elements. In tandem, the sequence of these studies will advance scientific research and ministry applications of lectio divina that may enhance human flourishing across spiritual, psychological, existential, and physiological domains.

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