* A Grant DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique, open, global, persistent and machine-actionable identifier for a grant.
Global Health Strategies is designing, promoting, administering, and producing the open abstract program for the First Annual Global Scientific Conference on Human Flourishing. The two-day conference aims to showcase the most significant scientific discoveries and innovations to help humans flourish together amid modern challenges. Sponsored by Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF), the conference takes place virtually and in viewing hubs 29-30 November 2022, and convenes leading researchers, practitioners, policymakers and funders around the world.
The abstract program is a critical component of the overall conference program. The call for abstracts is open to scientific researchers inclusive of academic disciplines and irrespective of affiliation with TWCF. Abstracts will be judged on merit by a global expert review panel, and the highest scorers will be invited to contribute a digital poster to a virtual exhibition hall on the conference website. In select cases, high-scoring authors will be invited to deliver short spotlight talks that are streamed throughout the conference’s plenaries.