Promoting fair and transparent open access scholarly publishing
TWCF Number
Project Duration
September 16 / 2021
- December 15 / 2022
Core Funding Area
Other Charitable Purposes
Amount Awarded

* A Grant DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique, open, global, persistent and machine-actionable identifier for a grant.

Nora Papp
Institution European Science Foundation

Open access to scientific publications increases the visibility and use of academic research results.

This project, led by Nora Papp, cOAlition S Program Manager at European Science Foundation, supports promoting a fair and transparent landscape for scholarly publishing, and aims to make full and immediate open access to the results of scientific research a reality. Specifically, two strategic activities aiming to promote a fair and transparent scholarly publishing landscape and to provide a level playing field for diverse open access business models will be implemented.

These projects are:

  • The development by July 2022 of a price and services transparency tool, allowing publishers to upload price and service data, and approved users (researchers, funders, librarians and library consortia) to compare the prices and services provided by different journals and publishers.
  • The development of a strategy for cOAlition S funders to support non-APC based Open Access publishing models (so-called “diamond” Open Access.)

These activities will contribute to fairer conditions in the publishing landscape, for the benefit of science and society, by making OA publishing fees more transparent, and by providing a level playing field for non-commercial publishers.

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