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Science and Orthodoxy around the World (SOW), funded by a 2016 grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation, promoted a worldwide dialogue between science and religion.
Building the remarkable outcomes of the pilot program’s first three years, this follow-on project has several key goals:
Having established a wide network of scholars, SOW will keep the network active by focusing on eight particular that are pertinent to the dialogue between science and Orthodoxy: cosmology; evolution and environment; physics; philosophy and theology; biology and bioethics; psychology and psychoanalysis; matter and consciousness; and the history of science and Orthodoxy.
The responses are crucial not only for research dialogue, but also for society as a whole. With this in mind, project outputs will target both scholarly communities (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, academic workshops, a specialized open-access research library) and the broader public (e.g., e-classes, a documentary series, and public workshops for educators and clergy).