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Diverse Intelligences

Research Hub Application Guidance

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The Opportunity

Launched in 2016, the Diverse Intelligences Initiative has been the largest investment in any single area of the Foundation. 

The goal of the DI Initiative is to explore and increase our knowledge of diverse intelligences, by supporting scientific research and developing a new community of practice both inside and outside of the academy​. ​Over 100 grants have been awarded through curated grant-making processes intentionally designed to support interesting and relevant research and also foster and maximize community development and engagement around the topic of intelligence. The acceptance of multiple schools of thought of what constitutes intelligence across disciplines has allowed for an environment where intellectual humility thrived which encouraged cross-disciplinary conversations and collaborations. These cross-disciplinary collaborations have become a key strength of the initiative and the community. To build upon this success, the Foundation is looking to catalyze a long-term solution to sustaining the community and increase the impact of the initiative long after TWCF funding ends with an intention the community has come to expect.

TWCF's intention is to grow self-sustaining Diverse Intelligence Hubs located within academic institutions that can support them with future funding resources or the resources to raise further funds, as well as in-kind contributions from existing and future staff. The TWCF support, in the form of two-year grants, will allow these institutions to support further DI research and the further development of the DI network between individuals, including early career professionals, and other Hubs.

This opportunity will support two to three 2-year grants, each worth up to USD 800,000, with the option to apply to TWCF for follow-on funding of at least $1,000,000. *Note: Follow-on funding will require at least 50% co-funding from non-Templeton entities as per our charter limitations.

The Goal

The goal of this RFP is to support hubs of activities that will focus on achieving sustained networking, collaboration and interdisciplinary research efforts of the DI community. 


  • Current or former TWCF Project Director or Co-Project Director as Project Director or Co-Project Director listed for the hub proposal
  • Institutional support
  • Commitment to engage with other hubs funded through this call
  • Agreement that all research projects carried out during the award period will align with the mission of the Diverse Intelligence initiative.

Application Guidance

Project Details

Project Start Date
Projects must start by December 1st, 2025.

Project Duration
The project duration should not be greater than 24 months.

Executive Summary
Must not exceed 500 words.

Project Description

To maintain a standard across all submissions the Foundation has developed this guideline for the project description to follow.

The first section of the project description should give an account of what will be accomplished with the hub. It should include:

  • Possible research plans
  • Plans to engage, support and maintain the current Diverse Intelligences community

The second section should include plans for maintaining (and preferably growing) the hub beyond the period of Foundation funding. It should include:

  • A discussion of networks/connections outside of the DI community that could be leveraged
  • Plans to secure additional/future funding
  • Institutional capacity and buy-in
  • Current assets/resources available to leverage
  • Plans to actively coordinate & collaborate with other awarded hub(s)

The third section should showcase the capacity of the project leader(s) to successfully manage a hub and engage the DI community. It should include:

  • Evidence of active involvement in the DI community (active/past collaborations, involvement in DI summits, etc)
  • Evidence of general support from the community
  • Track record with TWCF
  • Relevant research history
  • Evidence of securing funding (not including Templeton funding) (recommended)

Supporting Documents

In addition to the standard documents included in the application portal we will require:

  • Three letters of endorsement from DI community members who have received TWCF funding previously, as evidence of general support from the community.
  • A letter from Legal Organization confirming institutional buy-in and level of support
  • Evidence of co-funding (if applicable)
  • Letters of support from existing partners as evidence of successful collaborations (recommended)

Key Dates

  • Submission Deadline for Draft: November 18th, 2024
  • Internal Review of Draft Proposal Returned: December 2nd, 2024
  • Submission Deadline for Revised Proposal: December 13th, 2024
  • Finalist notification & Reviewer Feedback: March 3rd, 2025
  • Submission of Final Proposal: March 24th, 2025
  • Award Letter Sent: June 26th, 2025
  • Earliest Start Date: July 24th, 2025

To Apply

Please complete this form to gain access to the portal for the proposal.
Applications must be submitted by November 18th, 2024.