Accelerating Research on Consciousness
Making progress on the science of consciousness by using adversarial collaboration and open science practices.
Consciousness is a foundational concept for understanding human nature, but there is little agreement on what anatomical structures and physiological functions produce consciousness. Scholars across disciplines can look at the same data and draw different conclusions. As a result, different theories of consciousness have become siloed.
Templeton World Charity Foundation’s Accelerating Research on Consciousness initiative (ARC) proposes a solution to these problems. Drawing on best practices in open science and adversarial collaboration, ARC promotes open and rigorous engagement among leaders of opposing theories. We do not expect to solve all the mysteries of consciousness, but we aim to foster progress by reducing the number of theories through rigorous scientific and conceptual investigation. We hope this will accelerate research and increase the legitimacy of the remaining theories.
Learn how ARC uses adversarial collaboration
Five groundbreaking projects will test prominent theories of consciousness.