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of Flourishing

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417 results found
Dan Lyons Posthoc Salon NYC March 2023

Listening without reacting, especially to those with whom we disagree, opens up space for growth, learning,...

Teaching20 Children20 Empathy20and20 Compassion20through20 Virtual20 Reality20 Games

A new video game being developed in Nigeria aims to uncover how video games can improve...

Peer-delivered interventions focus on virtues embedded in the Indigenous concept of...

Mary20 Anning20 20 ASE

An innovative new curriculum helps primary school teachers bring their...

Posthoc Sander van der Linden
Mary Anning Curriculum

By providing teachers with high-quality, multidisciplinary learning resources, schools...

Koolulam20 20 SOI20 Podcast

The science behind getting "swept up" in a feeling of being part of...

From20the20 Acorn20to20the20 Grove20 20by20 Dr 20 Yuria20 Celidwen

Indigenous traditions with deep cultural roots of contemplative wisdom hold critical and timely...