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The Future 
of Flourishing

Thought Leadership, Innovation, and News.

417 results found
Dorothy20 Martin20 Illustration20 20 The20 Power20of20 Us20 Videos20 20 Why20 Cling20to20 False20 Belief

From cults to politics, people often defend their group’s beliefs in the face of clear contradiction. This...


Three recent stories featuring Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) grantees in the news

Phil Ball Salon

A deep dive into the diversity of intelligences with Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medal and Lecture 2022 winner Phil Ball.

Screen20 Shot202022 08 2420at201 13 4520 PM

A short film that centers children as the protagonists in scientific discovery helps pupils thrive.

Big20 Questions20 In20 Classrooms

A government report reviewing factors that influence the quality of religious education (RE) in schools in England...

Toddler on smartphone

New findings from a TWCF-funded study show that cognitive flexibility supports the development of...

Humans flourishing

Templeton World Charity Foundation's president talks with Stories of Impact about the...

Brilliant swarm

A physicist by training researches how biological communication signals are generated and interpreted. In this...

Liad20 Mudrik20 Lab20 20square

A Templeton World Charity Foundation grantee advocates for colleagues to preregister their work in an...

Creating20a20 Culture20of20 Flourishing20with20 Cristine20 Legare

A conversation exploring the co-evolution of cognition and culture.