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of Flourishing

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Topic: discovery
177 results found

Can collaboration among scientists with competing theories help research move...

Smiling20 Figure20 20 Remojadas20 207th E280938th20century20 20 Many20 Minds20 Podcast20 20 The20 Dawn20of20the20 Smile

Although it's a universal, powerful, and primordial expression, the origins of the smile remain swaddled in mystery.

Veronika20 Plant20illustration20 20 Sugarcane20 Toads

Single-minded solutions that ignore broader systems can wreak havoc and create new...

Many20 Minds20 20 The20 Scents20of20 Language

A new wave of research into human olfaction explores how smell interfaces with language, thought, and culture.

Second20 Annual20 Global20 Flourishing20 Conference

Panelists explore ways to transform the power of our differences into constructive solutions for the crises we face...

Global20 Flourishing20 Conference20no202nd20annual20 201200

How do free markets encourage social mobility and human freedom? Which institutional arrangements hinder or help development...


For humans to flourish, we need to better understand and honor the diversity of...