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Oct 26, 2022

Mental Health and Human Flourishing with Tom Osborn (podcast)

Find out how Shamiri’s innovative youth-led character strength interventions are increasing student levels of success and mental health in Kibera, Nairobi in this talk with Shamiri CEO and co-founder.

By Templeton Staff

Across Subsaharan Africa, more than half of the population is 19 years old or younger — a demographic very different from the rest of the world. The education system in countries there is not equipped to manage this many young people at a time, observes Tom Osborn, CEO and co-founder of The Shamiri Institute, a data-driven organization dedicated to helping Africa's youth thrive. In addition, mental health Because of this, Osborn continues "when young people in the Kenyan context, look at what is happening, they find it very hard to be able to draw or paint a clear path towards self-fulfillment." 

Osborn answered this need by co-founding Shamiri, a cutting-edge educational organization that puts youth mental health, meaning, and purpose at its center. With Shamiri, he wanted to equip his fellow young Kenyans not just with a way to improve test scores and offer better access to systems of knowledge they would need to succeed, but even more importantly, give them a sense of self, confidence, agency, and resilience.

In this episode of Stories of Impact, find out how Osborn and his colleagues have designed evidence-based, character-strength-enhancing interventions that are helping young Kenyans flourish.

Listen to the podcast with the above player.

Discover the video related to this episode.

Learn more about TWCF-funded research project featured in this episode.

Read the transcript from the interview conducted by journalist Richard Sergay, presented by podcast producer, host, and writer, Tavia Gilbert.

Built upon the award-winning video series of the same name, Templeton World Charity Foundation’s “Stories of Impact” podcast features stories of new scientific research on human flourishing that translate discoveries into practical tools. Bringing a mix of curiosity, compassion, and creativity, journalist Richard Sergay and producer Tavia Gilbert shine a spotlight on the human impact at the heart of cutting-edge social and scientific research projects supported by TWCF.