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Found 6 results for "Coschool"
This project aims to make character education a fundamental part of education in Colombia by providing school leaders with PRIMED, an evidence-based, cost-effective, and scalable model for implementing character education in their schools.
A series of courses aiming to support the uptake of TWCF funded character education based innovations in Colombia will be developed and presented via Edumoción, a Socio-emotional Learning focused platform for professional educators in Latin America.
This project seeks to help create a favorable policy environment for the uptake of evidence-based tools and character development based programs in Colombia. The project seeks to achieve this goal via support for the Alliance for Socioemotional Learning and Development (AFSEC) in Colombia.
Coschool and University of Missouri-St. Louis partner to promote character education among school leaders in Colombia using the PRIMED model
The overarching aim of this project, directed by Henry May at Coschool, is to help create a favorable policy environment for the uptake of evidence-based tools and programs on character development in Colombia.