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With a series of webinars, workshops, access to its resource library, and by building a community of open science champions, the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences will facilitate the adoption of innovative open science tools and practices among TWCF partners, grantees, and potential applicants.
Human flourishing is a complex topic that is not completely covered by any traditional academic domain. A new project is conducting a systematic analysis of human flourishing literature and will produce a report about the state of the field and key clusters within it.
The Young Men’s Leadership Program, a mentorship program dedicated to the success of young men in South Eleuthera, The Bahamas helps high school seniors find a path to become leaders in their communities by building grit, self-awareness, leadership, and conflict resolution skills through educational engagement and activities.
A novel intervention program synthesizes research on prejudice reduction, experiential design, and affective science into effective diversity interventions meant to aid reduction of social inequality. A multidisciplinary team has created cinematic-quality films where people with marginalized identities share their experiences with social exclusion. The program combines engaged viewing of these films with exercises designed to develop a nuanced and specific understanding of the emotional experiences of other individuals in a potentially polarizing context.
A team from Rapid Science aims to create a blueprint, evidence, and credit for collaborative open practices to aid Templeton World Charity Foundation launch Listening and Learning in a Polarized World as a grant program that follows best practices in open science.
PhyloPsy is a new networking tool for cognition researchers in comparative psychology to share experiments, data, and conclusions across institutions and species. This project will launch the tool into the community. It also aims to jumpstart collaborations with experiments designed to test ideas about the emergence of novel cognitive abilities of animals with different brain structures and varying levels of domestication.
Tool use is an advanced behavioral capability, only observed in a small subset of species, crucial to their ecological success, shaped by their evolutionary histories, and dependent upon an interconnected set of more basic cognitive components. A new project will test how those subcomponents are structured and combined across apes, parrots, and humans using a game-like Virtual Tools platform.
New research hypothesizes that the decision to cooperate or to compete is arrived at similarly in humans and chimpanzees, and can be replicated by Artificial Intelligence. To test this, researchers will conduct experiments related to foraging tasks for these three very different types of actors in a simulated forest VR environment.
Several prominent theories state that consciousness cannot be separated from function in the brain, while competing theories state that consciousness is supported by distinct neural regions. If successful, new research using a functionalMRI (fMRI) scanner could lead to identifying neural correlates of perceptual awareness.
In a new TWCF-funded study, hummingbirds, which are vertebrates, and bees, which are invertebrates, will be given equivalent foraging challenges. The research will explore how the spatial intelligences and information-processing of these two types of brain structures compare.