Hans Ijzerman and team at Annecy Behavioral Science Lab aim to create the first Global Index of Social Connection, with a focus on including the Global South. The Index will provide a universal method for understanding social needs fulfillment and serve as a tool to facilitate global comparisons.
Building upon their previous work, Alison Gopnik’s team will further explore human conceptions of caregiving, across age-groups, and across a range of cultures in the US, Peru, and Namibia. They aim to provide a formal model of caregiving conceptions, ultimately informing policy about caregiving.
A new suite of activities aimed at providing policy leaders with the opportunity to develop their own character strengths and skills, learn about cutting edge research and practical innovations, and engage with others in the field of character education will be developed for this part of the project.
The overarching aim of this project, directed by Henry May at Coschool, is to help create a favorable policy environment for the uptake of evidence-based tools and programs on character development in Colombia.
A framework for teacher professional learning in Wales will be developed, emphasizing disciplinary and interdisciplinary teacher-teacher dialogue to align with the Curriculum for Wales. The subjects of Religion, Values, and Ethics, as well as Sustainability and Climate Change Education will be a focus.