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There already exists a large knowledge base about teaching and learning related to the origins, diversity and history of life on Earth. We kno...
Quantum technologies lead to a variety of applications that outperform their classical counterparts. In order to build a quantum device it mus...
Publications determine to a large extent the possibility to stay in academia (“publish or perish”). While some pressure to publish may incenti...
The working substance fueling a quantum heat engine may contain coherence in its energy basis, depending on the dynamics of the engine cycle. ...
Abstract In Romans 5, St. Paul claims that death came into the world through Adam's sin. Many have taken this to foist on us a fundamentalist ...
Actual causation is concerned with the question: “What caused what?” Consider a transition between two states within a system of interacting e...
Abstract In this paper we offer a formal-logical analysis of the famous reversibility objection against the Second Law of thermodynamics. We r...
Life history theory anticipates that organisms trade offspring quantity for offspring quality. In modern human societies this tradeoff is part...
Perception likely results from the interplay between sensory information and top-down signals. In this electroencephalography (EEG) study, we ...
Behavioral researchers are increasingly conducting their studies online, to gain access to large and diverse samples that would be difficult t...