​ABC2: Faith and Science for Personal and Societal Flourishing
TWCF Number
Project Duration
August 1 / 2019
- January 31 / 2022
Core Funding Area
Big Questions
South America
Amount Awarded

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Dr. Roberto J. M. Covolan
Institution Associação Kuyper para Estudos Transdisciplinares

In 2015, Templeton World Charity Foundation supported the creation of Associação Brasileira de Cristãos na Ciência (the Brazilian Association of Christians in Science), also known as ABC². In its first three years, the association’s activities have led to real change in how Brazilians, especially evangelical Christians, view issues between faith and science. With 50 chapters throughout the country, ABC² has already established itself as a prominent organization in the Christian community.

Directed by Roberto Covolan at the University of Campinas, this follow-up project has two objectives:

  1. to continue this momentum, embedding in society a new dialogical approach to faith; and
  2. to create effective means that will ensure the sustainability of ABC² activities in the long term.

To achieve these goals, the team envisions a virtuous circle. It hopes that the interest ignited by ABC² initiatives, with initial funding from Templeton World Charity Foundation, will generate enough revenue to become self-sustaining over time. To achieve this goal, the project will engage in three complementary activities:

  1. Strengthening of Local Chapters,
  2. Science for Seminaries and Churches, and
  3. Courses on Science/Faith.

Developing these activities will involve seminars, coaching activities, mini-courses, production of podcasts, YouTube programs, the development of distance learning courses, and the publication of a new series of books on science and faith.

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